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Create a Website in IIS 7.0

February 21, 2013

Create a Website in IIS 7.0 and Make it Live on the Internet

1) Before adding your first website you will need to register the website or you can register the website after you have added it in IIS in order for the website to work.
2)  After that on your Windows Server Go to Start => Run and type inetmgr . This will open your IIS manager . In the Left pane Right Click on Sites and Click Add Website . Input the website name , the Physical path for the root of the website, select the IP address to which you want to point your website from the drop down  and the host name of the website . Click Ok and the website will be added in IIS.

3) On the Server go to Start => Administrative tools=>DNS  =>Right Click Forward Lookup Zones =>Click New Zone , click Next , Select Primary Zone , Click next , type the website Name which you had created from IIS , click next , click next , Select Do not allow dynamic updates , click next , click Finish.

4) Once the Zone has been added you can Set the Name servers for the website and add the A record to point the website to your servers IP .

5) You now need to ask the registrar to point the A record of the website to the servers IP or Use the Name Server Set on the server .

From → IIS

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